BBB writers on Yankees trade deadline moves

Coming into this year’s trade deadline, Brian Cashman claimed the Yankees would be “careful buyers.” With that, Cashman was looking for controllable assets without compromising the future, and he did just that. In his first move, Cashman dealt a potentially blocked prospect in Blake Rutherford, often-injured arm in Ian Clarkin, lower level prospect in Tito Polo and struggling reliever Tyler Clippard to the Chicago White Sox for David Robertson, Tommy Kahnle and Todd Frazier. Then, the Yankees went out and acquired lefty Jaime Garcia from the Twins for pitching prospects Zack Littell and Dietrich Enns. Finally, the Yankees acquired Sonny Gray in a final-hour splash for prospects Dustin Fowler, Jorge Mateo, and James Kaprielian. Here’s what our writers think about how the Yankees did at this year’s trade deadline.
Photo Credit: Brad Penner | USA TODAY Sports

Founder - Chad Raines
Brian Cashman went out and did exactly what he needed to do at this year’s trade deadline. Heading into the deadline, the team had a glaring need to upgrade the bullpen, at either first or third base, and in the starting rotation, and Cashman addressed all of those needs.

He said he wanted to be a careful buyer, and he clearly meant that he was looking for controllable assets at a reasonable price. The deal with the White Sox was an absolute fleece, with the Yankees acquiring three established talents at the price of one Major Leaguer, and three unproven prospects. With Kahnle controlled through 2020, and another year of Robertson next year, Cashman not only upgraded the pen this year, but next year, and for year’s to come with Dellin Betances and Aroldis Chapman also in the mix.

As for Todd Frazier, he has allowed Chase Headley to move to first, which has sparked the previously struggling hitter. Frazier is not the star he used to be, but the Yankees can expect some contribution there.

As for the Jaime Garcia deal, it may not have been necessary, but it’s pretty clear that the Yankees may look to limit both Jordan Montgomery and Luis Severino’s innings. You can never have too much pitching in baseball with injuries and players being unavailable, so it’s always a good thing to have more than what may seem necessary. Cashman obviously made his biggest splash about an hour before the deadline ending an epic standoff between him and Billy Beane.

In this deal, Cashman wanted to hold onto Gleyber Torres, Clint Frazier, Chance Adams, Justus Sheffield, and Estevan Florial. He was able to accomplish all of that. The losses of Dustin Fowler, James Kaprielian and Jorge Mateo may hurt down the line, but for now, Cashman dealt two injured prospects and a blocked prospect for two and a half years of Gray, who is an absolute stud. Both him and Garcia should fit very well in Yankee Stadium as ground ball pitchers and they will eat up innings.

Overall, I think these moves make the Yankees the clear favorite in the AL East. Additionally, these moves also allow the Yankees to compete with the Houston Astros this year, while also setting the team up for many more years of playoff runs. I’m a huge fan of Brian Cashman, and this trade deadline once again showed why he is, in my opinion, the best GM in all of baseball.

Managing Editor - Steven Eareckson
Brian Cashman and the New York Yankees made a statement these past few weeks. After acquiring David Robertson and Tommy Kahnle to bolster the faltering bullpen, along with Todd Frazier to sure up the infield from the White Sox without giving up a premier prospect close to the big leagues, the Yankees made it clear that they would be buyers at the deadline.

Sunday’s acquisition of Jaime Garcia, a reliable middle of the rotation arm, was yet another encouraging statement. On Monday, however, the Yankees traded for a difference maker in Sonny Gray. Giving up highly touted prospects Jorge Mateo, Dustin Fowler, and James Kaprielian, the latter two of whom sustained potentially career derailing injuries, was certainly no easy pill for the Yankees to swallow, but acquiring assets requires giving up assets.

Many of my BBB colleagues can attest to the fact that I’m an unapologetic Brian Cashman critic. I repeatedly berated him in 2015, for example, for not being an active buyer, and allowing the Toronto Blue Jays to run away with the division, which they did as a result of the Yankees not making moves to match their numerous acquisitions.

Needless to say, the Yankees reassured the fanbase that the organization believes it has what it takes to go on a playoff run this season. Gray, who will be either the ace or number two starter on this Yankees team, is under team control until 2020 and figures to be a part of the organization’s long-term plans. Joining a rotation with Luis Severino, Masahiro Tanaka, CC Sabathia, and the newly acquired Garcia, Gray is the final piece for a Yankees team looking to go on a long playoff run. With Jordan Montgomery approaching a career high in innings pitched, the Bombers will likely slide the rookie lefty into the bullpen, further bolstering a current strength.

The 2017 New York Yankees are for real. As I tweeted from the BBB account after the deadline passed, anything short of an appearance in a playoff series will be a disappointment this year. The division is for the taking, and there’s no reason for the Yankees not to emerge victorious in that regard. The rest of the season will be exciting. I’m eagerly anticipating watching October baseball in the Bronx once again!
Photo Credit: Kathy Willens | AP

Administrative Editor - Ryan Thoms
The Yankees had back-to-back trade deadlines where they were involved in huge trades, but amazingly were all-out sellers last year and all-out buyers this season. Brian Cashman’s ability to negotiate with other GMs shined in both deadlines as he went from receiving impressive hauls for Yankee star players to receiving solid Major League players without giving up top-notch talent and jeopardizing the team’s future.

There were three major areas of concerning heading into the season’s midpoint: corner infield depth, the bullpen, and the inconsistency of the rotation. So, what did Brian Cashman do? He traded an average minor league relief pitcher for Garrett Cooper to platoon with Chase Headley to maximize the position’s production.

He traded from areas of depth to strengthen a bullpen that was horrendous in June, which is now arguably the best in the league and got the White Sox to essentially “throw in” a former All-Star and Home Run Derby Champion to add another bat into the corner infield mix in Todd Frazier. He then traded a Double-A pitcher and a Triple-A pitcher, who was likely to be DFA’d, for a veteran starter in Jaime Garcia, who has World Series experience and can help the rotation. This move then gave Cashman leverage in a Sonny Gray deal, that saw the A’s trade for two players that had potentially career altering injuries and Jorge Mateo who was blocked from the Majors by other position players.

After the deadline, there are very few question marks on this team and there are still reinforcements on the way by the means of players returning from the disabled list. The Yankees have a formula for not only in season success, but postseason success. They have a lockdown bullpen, starters that can deliver strong starts, and an extremely potent lineup.

Spencer Schultz
The trade deadline addressed the Yanks SP need along with adding to the bullpen. I like what they did, but at the same time was a big fan of Fowler and Kaprielian, both good dudes who were excited to be a future Yankee. In the end though, there's no reason to not trust Brian Cashman who has easily many of his past trades. I like what the Yanks did because it helps this year and beyond as three of the guys acquired will help next year as well. The Yanks are closing in on the Astros as well with these moves.

Andrew Natalizio
After a seemingly endless game of chicken between Billy Beane and Brian Cashman, the Yankees finally got their man.

The loss of Kaprelian stings the most here, a former 1st round draft pick with top-of-the-rotation potential, but as is the case in any deal, you need to give to get. Kaprelian of course, is out for the rest of this season and likely a portion of next year as well as he recovers from Tommy John Surgery, but Cashman was able to sell Beane on his potential to make the deal work while not sacrificing Chance Adams or Justus Sheffield.

As for Mateo and Fowler, both were seemingly blocked at their positions (Gregorius, Castro, Torres, Wade for Mateo; Judge, Frazier, Hicks, Ellsbury, Florial for Fowler). I'm okay with losing Mateo simply because of the depth of the organization and because the Yankees were able to capitalize when his stock was at it's absolute highest. For Fowler, he's on the road to recovery from his devastating injury in his MLB debut and I hope he develops into a nice OF piece for Oakland in the future. He's a five-tool player, but his path to the Bronx was always a bit hazy.

Previously, the Yankees’ acquisition of Jaime Garcia should further solidify the starting rotation, and David Robertson and Tommy Kahnle have added considerable depth to a bullpen unit that was in a bit of a rut for a while, but now once again looks like one of the AL’s best. Todd Frazier adds a much needed veteran presence at the corner infield positions.

The Yankees found a way to plug every hole in their roster and are now set for the pennant run as we hit the dog days of summer. All the while, Cashman was able to hold onto the crown jewels of the farm system and improve the present squad without mortgaging the future.

Alex Weir
This was a trade deadline for the ages in regards to the Yankees. For everyone else, it kind of sucked. But the Yankees managed to acquire David Robertson, Tommy Kahnle, Todd Frazier, Jaime Garcia, and Sonny Gray, while giving up just six ranked prospects. Two of these prospects are out for the year with major injuries, while one has had injury problems in the past. One has seriously underperformed, one is replaceable, and the other is far away from the majors to judge his future by. None of them were guaranteed to be successful with the Yankees, so instead they were traded to create a monster bullpen and a superior rotation. Meanwhile, the Red Sox got Addison Reed, while Doug Fister and his 7+ ERA will continue to start for them. How could any Yankees fans not love this trade deadline? I know I do.
Photo Credit: Kathy Willens | AP

Randy Hancock
This trade deadline was great for the Bombers, but I still feel weary about Sonny Gray. Now, let’s be honest. The Yankees now have a nasty pen, and Cashman got rid of Clippard which was a plus. So in the postseason, if the Yankees can get through five innings with a lead or within striking distance, I love our chances.

As for Gray, no doubt he is an ace. But I do not feel he is truly dominant. How will he handle the media? How will he handle the launchpad that is Yankee Stadium? The pressure to play and perform in New York is unlike anywhere else. How he responds will be key in regards to him being a top three starter, or a bust. On Paper the trade looks good. The Yankees have a decent to great rotation depending on consistency, and health. Time will tell how the trade fares, and all I can do is hope and watch.

As for what the Yankees gave up, you need to use your depth when trading. Cashman did just that. He traded two injured players, one which is blocked in a deep outfield, the other a pitcher, and who knows how Kap will come back. Mateo is fast, and on fire, but he does struggle to get on base. The Yankees are deep, talented, and kept their top talent. As a fan, and writer that’s all I could ask for. Thanks, Cash.

Matt Graziano
I think Brian Cashman knocked it out of the park here. He was able to go out and address the team's major pressing needs and did all of it while not giving up anything from the core of prospects the team is planning on building around going forward.
Photo Credit: Joe Nicholson | USA TODAY Sports
All throughout the lead up to the deadline we had heard that the Yankees were not interested in giving up their very top prospects most of which are close to the majors plus some who already are. Despite those limitations Cashman was able to go out and get players who will help the team compete this year and for the next few years. Looking at what teams will likely give up for top flight relievers and then looking back at what Cashman gave up to get David Robertson AND Tommy Kahnle makes that trade look even better with each passing day. Robertson is still effective and Kahnle looks downright nasty. Cash was able to turn the Yankees bullpen from a liability to a major strength.

Couple that with the acquisition of a solid veteran like Jaime Garcia and with the addition of a front of the rotation starter like Sonny Gray who the team can pair with Luis Severino going forward and the team is set up for success. The loss of big name prospects like Kaprielian and Mateo may sting but the Yankees farm system is a major strength and the team was able to deal from that strength without mortgaging their future.

All in all I think Cashman absolutely nailed this deadline. The fact that he was able to go out and get this many players without trading a single one of team’s top flight prospects is just masterful work. I've been very high on the work he's done these past few seasons and this year is no exception.

Matt Luzzi
The phrase “getting fleeced” is overused in the sports world, yet Billy Beane simply got fleeced in this deal. The Yankees somehow acquired Sonny Gray, a former 1st round pick with a 3.42 career ERA, while giving up only three prospects, two of which are injured. It hurt to see Dustin Fowler go after his gruesome injury in his lone game as a Yank, but as Fowler said himself “it’s a business,” and this was yet another brilliant business move by Cashman.

There are some who do not love the move, as they question whether Gray is a number one or two pitcher. I believe he is a very good number two, and has the potential to possibly turn into a number one, which is just what the Yankees need. Another reason I love the Gray move is the fact that he is under club control for the next two and a half seasons, and the Yanks did not have to give up Gleyber, Clint, Chance, or Justus to get him.

The Gray move has almost made me forget about the successful moves the Yanks made before the trade deadline, as the move earlier in the month to get David Robertson, Tommy Kahnle, and Todd Frazier from the White Sox has so far shown to have paid dividends. The move to get Jamie Garcia from the Twins, a solid veteran left handed pitcher with postseason experience, was a move that did not make a huge splash but still made sense and was a move I was a fan of. It is always tough to give up exciting young prospects, as players such as Kaprielian and Mateo may turn out to be terrific ballplayers, but that’s most likely years down the road, and Brian Cashman has made it clear that the Yankees are going for it now.

Paul Alvaro
Christmas came early courtesy of Brian Cashman. The Yankees dominated the headlines as the trade deadline crept closer, before finally agreeing to a deal to bring Sonny Gray to the Bronx. I’m in love with this move. Cashman traded three top prospects, two of which are rehabbing from injury, for Gray. I know a lot of fans were in love with Dustin Fowler but his knee injury won’t be easy to return from. James Kaprielian recently underwent Tommy John surgery and Jorge Mateo has mostly played in Single-A with a short stint in Double-A Trenton. Brian Cashman basically sent two question marks and an unproven prospect to Oakland for their ace pitcher who is under team control for two more years.

The other moves Cashman made were also great. Getting Jaime Garcia from the Twins gives the Yankees six solid starters, pretty much forcing them into a six-man rotation. Personally, I’m a fan of the six-man rotation, I think it will be mostly beneficial to CC Sabathia, and Masahiro Tanaka but the extra rest should help the other starters stay fresh down the stretch. The trade for Todd Frazier, Tommy Kahnle, and David Robertson helped bolster the bullpen and temporarily fixed the first base problem by moving Chase Headley over.

Overall, I think the Yankees won the trade deadline and came out of it a much-improved team. They needed a starting pitcher and they got two of them, needed another bat and they got Frazier, They needed bullpen help and they went out and got it. They addressed every need without mortgaging the future, which is key. Should be a fun rest of the season.

AJ Welch
The magician known as Brian Cashman has done it again. He once again was able to pull off some crucial moves that have put the Yankees in a great spot for contention. Last year he was able to restock the farm system with talent, and then this year he was able to bring in talent to solidify a surprisingly surging team.

Bringing Todd Frazier, Tommy Kahnle and former Yankee David Robertson helped majorly fill some key holes. The bullpen that was once shaky at best became an absolute nightmare to opponents. A mix of Green, Warren, Kahnle, Robertson, Betances and Chapman is stuff of a fantasy roster. Kahnle and Robertson haven’t missed a beat after coming over to the Bronx. Kahnle has only given up two hits in five and a third, with nine strikeouts. Robertson hasn’t been as lights out statistically, with two earned runs over six innings so far, but having a proven veteran and arm like that coming out of the pen has been  a welcomed sight. Adding just these two fantastic arms has essentially made it a six inning game.
Photo Credit: Paul J. Bereswill

Another crazy aspect of this trade is that Todd Frazier was almost a throw in. A former All-Star and Derby champion, finally comes back home to the team he grew up idolizing. Now while he hasn’t been anything to write home about thus far, he does seem to be settling in and has shown that he still can get back to his All-Star form.

The next sizeable move made was the acquisition of Jamie Garcia, from the Twins. A guy with postseason experience, Garcia helps add another lefty to bolster the Yankees rotation. While he may not have the “blow them away” stuff, he is a consistent starter who will help eat innings and turn the ball over to the aforementioned bullpen.

The final, and biggest move made was adding Sonny Gray. A perennial top of the rotation guy, he definitely did not come cheap; costing the Yankees three big name (while still not their most prized) prospects. The A’s received Dustin Fowler, Jorge Mateo and James Kaprielian in the deal. While the names might sound like the Yankees sold the farm for Gray, many of these prospects were somewhat blocked at their respective positions. Adding to that, two of those prospects are currently injured, with Fowler having a gruesome knee injury and Kaprielian undergoing Tommy John at the start of this year. While many experts still see these two as MLB talent, it is still yet to be seen.

Bigger picture too, the Yanks still kept Chance Adams and Justus Sheffield, two other pitching phenoms. Mateo had been tearing it up in Trenton Double A, but still seems to be a couple years away, and there is still depth to overcome his departure.

As for Gray, he is a proven starter who could become the Yankees number two or number three guy in the rotation (behind Severino and maybe Tanaka if he can turn it around). He has a career  3.42 ERA, has postseason experience and is also under team control until 2019. This means that he is not simply a rental and can be part of the future for the Yankees, who after this season will lose two and potentially three starters (CC, Pineda and Tanaka if he opts out).

Overall, I think it was a great deadline for the Bronx Bombers. They added depth to the bullpen, added a top of the line starter as well as another rotation arm. They kept costs at a minimum, and were able to keep both the idea of going for the championship this year and for years to come. Bravo Cash, Bravo!

Connor Thoms
Coming into the deadline, Brian Cashman had a decision to make. He could either let the young core develop and grow, holding onto assets for future championship contention, or he could attempt to cash in some assets now and push for an AL East crown with perhaps a World Series ring in the near future. Cashman clearly wants ring 28 because he went for option two and began stockpiling established talent like an arms race. After selling at last year’s deadline to build for the future, the Yankees bought this year to build on a pleasantly successful season.

Moves began with the White Sox deal which brought not only Derek Jeter fanboy Todd Frazier and former yankee David Robertson, but it also brought a great bullpen piece in Tommy Kahnle. This wonderful package came at a steep price though, as the Yankees were forced to part ways with Yankee legend Tyler Clippard, a pitcher who will surely see his visage in monument park, and a few prospects. Although this trade seemed like it was never going to happen after days and days of rumors, it finally went through and bolstered the glaring weakness in the bullpen while helping to clear up the surplus of outfield prospects in the farm system.

However, Cashman realized after this trade that relievers can't pitch all nine innings and certain starting rotation pieces weren't going to be able to consistently get the job done and give the game to the bullpen with less than a ten run deficit. So, the Yankees went out and acquired Jaime Garcia and Sonny Gray, two highly talented and well established pitchers, to help lead a young team, for prospects, including outfielder Dustin Fowler, who suffered an injury during his very short major league stint, and James Kaprielian, a pitcher who will be coming off of Tommy John.

Cashman was able to sell on the upside of these players after their returns from injury, and, in return, acquired valuable pieces to what could be an exciting Yankees playoff run for the first time in a long time. Overall, this alone makes the trade worth it. The Yankees have a surplus amount of talent which is hungry for a pennant and a 28th ring for the storied franchise, and it looks as though this team has potential to do just that. So why wouldn't Cashman attempt to challenge the Astros who have been the frontrunner in the American League all season? This trade deadline was a wild success and will be seen as so even if the Yankees don't raise the trophy in the late fall. As long as meaningful October baseball is back in the Bronx, I'm stoked.

Kyle Finnerty
Last year, Yankees GM Brian Cashman showed a lot of foresight by deciding to sell off highly coveted pieces such as Andrew Miller and Aroldis Chapman. Cashman knew and was willing to admit in July 2016 that the Yankees time was not now. When he made these moves to re-fuel the Yankees minor league farm system, most Yankee fans felt hopeful that the future would be bright as these prospects slowly came up to the Bronx. However, the process has accelerated more rapidly than almost anyone could’ve imagined and the Yankees window to win a championship has opened a year ahead of schedule. As a result, this summer Cashman found himself in the position of being an aggressive buyer once again.
Photo Credit: Bruce Kluckhohn | AP

Brian Cashman made two blockbuster trades, yet the circumstances surrounding each trade could not have been any more different. In acquiring Todd Frazier, Tommy Kahnle, and David Robertson from the White Sox, Cashman bolstered two huge areas of need for the Yankees. In fact, not only did he bolster the bullpen, but he has created what can only be described as a late inning strikeout machine. Joe Girardi can now cycle in more than a handful of flamethrowers and strikeout artists as he sees fit. Oh yeah, Cashman also managed to keep the Red Sox from getting better as well by completing the monster trade.

The next huge move Cashman made is the one that might ultimately pay the most dividends toward the Yankees goal of winning another World Series. That’s because Sonny Gray has two more years of team control left on his contract after this current 2017 season is over. He is a high quality pitcher to pair alongside Luis Severino at the top of the starting rotation moving forward. This was a deal that the national media had been covering for several days before it finally went through with less than an hour to go before the deadline on Monday afternoon.

These are the kind of difference-making moves that can take a team from playing in the Wild-Card game to potentially making a deep run in October. Brian Cashman was smart to be extremely aggressive at this trade deadline. The Yankees had a plethora of highly touted prospects and not everyone can be a star in pinstripes. It’s simply good business to capitalize on assets and package a few of these question marks together in order to fill pressing needs with huge upgrades. These moves not only set up the Yankees for a big run over the next couple months, but also the next couple years as Gray, Robertson, and Kahnle will all be in the Bronx through at least the 2018 season. Now it’s up to Joe Girardi and the Yankees to make Cashman’s deadline deals pay off.

Maxx Hotton

These moves may seem short sighted on the surface, as with a young team exceeding expectations, many thought Cashman and co. should be patient and wait for the 2019 season to take a shot at a championship. However, with the division lead recently retaken from the rival Red Sox, this young club showed it has the talent and resolve to make a postseason run now. The Bronx Bombers boast a retooled bullpen that is one of the deepest and most talented in the majors, a lineup with plenty of pop even with rookie phenom Aaron Judge struggling, and now a talented rotation that gives the team a great chance to win almost every day.

It is conventional sports wisdom to not sacrifice the future for an opportunity to win now, but this 2017 Yankees may be the exception to the rule. Mateo, Fowler, and Rutherford, although promising, all had slim chances of finding a spot in a talented outfield, so their losses aren’t that severe. Littell was rule five eligible and would most likely be gone after the year, and Kaprielian was talented, but oft injured, and there was no certainty he would ever reach his ceiling. This team had the tools to buy big while not sacrificing the future as a result.

If you compare what teams like the Cubs and Red Sox gave up to improve their rosters to what the Yankees gave up, it becomes apparent that the Yankees made away like bandits in these trades. Boston and Chicago both gave up their top prospects to pull off these deals, while Cashman gave up highly touted talent, they were not as promising as players like Gleyber Torres, Clint Frazier, and many others on the Yankees roster. Cashman used the depth of their system to his advantage as he realized he could only use so few of these prospects with the already stacked talent the roster currently holds.

These moves don't even include the upcoming 2018-2019 free agency period where the allure of a deep pocketed New York franchise could attract the likes of Bryce Harper, Manny Machado, Clayton Kershaw, and others if they saw fit. Cashman has stated that he didn’t want to give up, “Championships for a championship,” and these trades prove that.

Niko Parras
The Great Bambino once said, “It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up.” These New York Yankees aren’t giving up. Once again, Yankees GM Brian Cashman made a splash at the trade deadline. Over the past few years, there’s been one pitcher who’s been tearing up Oakland and making a name for himself, and soon enough we’ll see him in pinstripes. That man is Sonny Gray.

With reports of Athletics GM Billy Beane asking for the likes of outfielder Clint Frazier or infield prospect Gleyber Torres, Yankee fans were able to let out a sigh of relief when the official trade was announced. The Yankees traded away three prospects for Gray: OF Dustin Fowler, SP James Kaprielian, and INF Jorge Mateo. As promising as these young players are, the trade for Gray was the right move and worked for both sides. The Yankees received a potential ace in Sonny Gray while the A’s got young talent that can surely make a name for themselves at the MLB level when called upon.

While Sonny Gray’s name may not appear with top pitchers such as Clayton Kershaw or Max Scherzer, but he’s a highly coveted arm that can give the Yankees exactly what they need nearing October. With a career ERA of 3.42, Gray is a consistent starter who can pitch quality innings. In 2015, Gray finished 3rd in Cy Young voting with an ERA of 2.73 with an average of 7.31 strikeouts per 9 innings (K/9), and a 3.7 WAR . This year he’s pitching a 3.43 ERA with 8.72 K/9 and 2.2 WAR in 97 IP. Gray is a four-pitch pitcher that can stretch out to a fifth or sixth pitch if need be. Primarily throwing fastballs, with a masterful curve, Gray can slice and dice batters with ease, making him a valuable asset to New York. Not to mention, Gray is under team control through 2019. This allows him plenty of time to grow even further under Yankees pitching coach Larry Rothschild.

The Yankees entered the season projected at the bottom of the AL East. With the addition of Sonny Gray, Brian Cashman has put this team in the position to win the division. Once again, you’ve got to tip your cap to Brian Cashman and the New York Yankees for finding a way to stay on top of the trade deadline and make a push for October.

Vinny Romita
Back to back successful years at the deadline for the Yankees and we really have to thank Brian Cashman. He single handedly changed this Yankee team that was certainly headed for mediocrity to championship caliber. With the moves last year, acquiring major prospects from both the Cubs and the Indians, he replenished what was a rather lackluster farm system, while also opening up space for younger talent on the MLB roster, introducing the new direction that the Yankees are going towards. Now, a year later, the Yankees are in first place in the AL East, nearly 10 games over .500, and are on a roll. Not only that but thanks to this amazing trade deadline, they are now major favorites to come out of the East as champions. Cashman used his stacked farm system to go out and get key pieces in the bullpen and the starting rotation. And now with Sonny Gray, there is a very good chance that the Yankees could be World Series contenders, not only this year but for the next three seasons. Great job by Cashman, great job by the organization. It really makes them exciting and fun to watch. Can’t wait to see what this team can do before it’s all said and done.

Article by: BBB Writers


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