Alex Rodriguez could have a big impact for the Yankees

By: Anthony DiGregorio

During his time with the Yankees Alex Rodriguez has had his ups and downs. The 2009 Playoff run finishing with a World Series win is one of the greatest postseasons in recent years. Getting suspended a full year for steroids, and lying about it was definitely a low point. But Alex Rodriguez getting suspended last year could be the best thing that has happened to him and could really help him moving forward in his career.
If A-Rod comes back 100% healthy not only will he bring fans back to Bronx because that home run swing, but he will also bring some veteran leadership to the Yankees. Alex has been out of baseball for a year now and I think this suspension might have humbled him. He spent a lot of his time with his daughters and family maybe now he's not playing for just himself. We can only hope he realized what life after baseball is going to be like if he doesn't repair his image as best as he can. If he just concentrates on baseball, his team and his family Rodriguez should have a successful season. I think all he wants to do now is play the game he has loved forever and play it for the New York Yankees. Hopefully this gave him a new outlook on his career.

Personally I have always liked A-Rod steroids and all. The MLB has been filled with steroids and I still think there are more steroids in Baseball than any other sports. I would say that probably 85% [Yankees] fans will be rooting for A-Rod this year just like they always did. The other 15% of Yankees fans are the minorities that hate him because he's a cheater, or he's just not a good person and that he's not Derek Jeter. I'm a huge Jeter fan, I am 23 years old born in 1991 All I ever known Is Derek Jeter. Jeter is a once in lifetime type player and person. He did everything the way it was supposed to be done on and off the field. A-Rod has done the opposite and people hate him for that.

In my opinion, A-Rod comes back this year and hits .270-.280, with 20-25 home runs and 70-80 RBIs. With no problems, or issues more steroid use, the fans will be wearing his jersey and cheering his name like always, because one thing trumps all with the New York Yankees and that's winning!!

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  1. I totally agree with your post. Alex will come back and will do it right. He has to anyway.

  2. Thank you for the read! I think he just wants to play baseball!

  3. You're welcome! And exactly, what else does he have to do? :)


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